Here’s what’s happening at the library!

Our first Christmas card came the other day.  Simple. A family picture. It was great to see my husband’s uncle, aunt, and cousins.  That single card showed us that they cared and we were though about.  Better than even a family picture, is a card sent with a short hand written message.  My buddy from college is like that.  I don’t hear from her all year and Viola, sometime soon, her card will arrive with a short note about their year and good wishes for us in the coming year.  Yes, and there is a small part of me that like to receive those typed, mass produced letters that tell ALL about the family, and how wonderful the kids are doing, and the exotic trips they’ve taken and so on, and so on.  Here again, at least they thought about us to send a card and we get to be a part of that friend or relative’s lives for a few minutes.
     The written word.  I’ve always believed it can be so much more powerful than the spoken one.  You can hang on to it, keep it, and relive its message every time you read it.
     We read some of those same Christmas stories every year.  They’ve made movies out of most, but reading the book conjures up more beautiful pictures in your mind than any movie can present to you.
     I’ve pulled out all of the Christmas books and movies that we have.  Many I see are no longer on the shelf.  I’d like to think it was such a good book that “they” couldn’t bear to part with it.  Consider bringing them back for others to enjoy…please.
     Consider, also, starting a new tradition of reading a Christmas book or two to your whole family…..not just the children.  We have many that would make excellent choices.
     Speaking of writing letters, notes, and Christmas cards…..
What’s the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet?  The Christmas alphabet has no EL!
And remember throughout this hectic Christmas season that STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backwards.  Now that’s FOOD for thought. Enjoy!
Season’s Readings!

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