Here’s what’s happening at the library!

Have you ever forgotten if you’ve read a book?  Have you ever taken boxes of fresh meat to your son’s house, put it in the freezer, and forgotten whether you shut the lid?….it’s a long story.  Have you ever left the house wondering if you turned off the stove, flipped a switch, or locked a door?
     It’s not Deja vu (a feeling of having already experienced the present situation).  It’s called Goldfish Memory Syndrome according to Google.  I asked a library patron, who is also a nurse, about it.  She explained to me that we put ourselves in the midst of stressors. We overload our brains by trying to multitask. We are answering phones or texting while washing dishes, fixing supper, caring for the kids, going to our jobs, etc..  Our brains were built to do one thing at a time, so some things get….pushed out of our short term memories.
     “They” say that exercising the brain fights against that syndrome. It sounds logical.  That’s why, being associated with a library, I need to push the brain exercise by enticing you to come in and grab a good book, a magazine, a seasonal dot-to-dot, a coloring sheet, or any other MindWare activities I have placed on the round activity table. Many patrons think that these are for the children……uhhh, no.  About 75% of the patrons coming into this library are adults….just sayin’.
     Keep reading, dot-to-dotting, coloring, or writing.  Send a little love by signing
a seasonal card, holiday card, or birthday card to our select members of the community.  A birthday will be celebrated towards the end of this month, St. Patrick’s Day is Friday the 17th with another small celebration, and Spring arrives on Monday the 20th.
     Multitasking can cause memory loss….and worse, memory loss.
Remember to READ!

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